Thank You Babs!! and some Lake Chesdin Sunset Photos ~ I want to thank my very sweet and thoughtful friend Babs for the wonderful card that she surprised me with for my 55th birthday this year (Yikes, am I really that old now)! Her card has a lovely print of one of her fantastic abstracts and she also sent me her red 'barking dog' ACEO abstract which matches the 'shaggy dog' abstract (yep Babs, I do see another dog in this one too) my 'shaggy dog' red abstract has some company and I treasure both of them! A very sweet thing to do, she also found a penny from the year of my birth to send. My husband was kidding with me and said it must have taken a lot of looking to find a penny that old! :) :) Thanks Babs, you are a dear friend!! I also put a wip I've been painting on the right side of my easel. I'll probably work some more on it before giving it a title and calling it finished. My husband took me up to Lake Chesdin this evening at sunset so I could get some photos:
Close-up of a tree and my favorite pic so far

My husband called this a 'gooney bird' but we think it's actually a crane

The boat dock

sunset peeping through lacy winter tree limbs

Sunset sky at Lake Chesdin, Virginia