Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Southern Lights ~ Digital painting I did tonight. I took most of my Christmas decorations down's a relief to get some of the clutter out of the house, but kind of depressing too. It's time to look forward to a new year!


Janets Planet said...

Whoa! That is what came out of my mouth when your page came up. Intense.

Lynette said...

Thanks so much Janet! I went through lots of steps when I made this one and I like the way the colors turned out.

jafabrit said...

what a great image to greet me this morning, it is bursting with energy.

Lynette said...

Thanks JB for the kind words, I sure had fun doing this one. I think I am going to get out my acrylics tonight (my muse has been knocking at my door LOL)

fennymun said...

It's really wonderful! Just wonder where are the artists' creative and inspiring ideas come from....

Lynette said...

Hi and thanks fennymun, that's a really good question. Sometimes I 'see' a picture/colors in my mind and it makes me want to paint the scene in acrylics. When I do a digital painting using art software, I usually keep changing and experimenting with colors and brushes till I like the way it looks.

Mother of Invention said...

I'm sure I can see a shiny greenChristmas ornament on the bottom right! very cool! Seems to parallel your taking down the decs with all the colours swirling around in the box, up in the attic for another year! (Hope they all get along with each other!)

Lynette said...

Ha you're right M.O.I. I was kind of sad taking down the decorations but I haven't climbed up in the attic with them yet, I stored them in my daughter's room temporarily! :)