Saturday, January 20, 2007

Willow Tree and the Circle of Life ~ Recently some of my on-line friends have mentioned circles and 'the circle of life'. It got me to thinking that life really does seem to go in a circle. My daughter has grown up, become an adult and moved out and my mother is 80 and more like a child every day because of the alzheimers disease. It seems that life is ever-changing and you can't stop the circle no matter how hard you would like to sometimes!
I finished up this one last night and it's ACEO size and acrylics on Canson canva-paper. It's going for auction in e-bay today. I'm really happy that I've sold 2 of my little trees in there this week! I love this new Canson paper I recently bought, it's nice and thick and smooth with a nice canvas texture, wonderful to paint on. I also bought some heavy gloss gel medium which I used in this one to give it a rich shiny appearance, love this stuff also! Well my Michaels gift certificate is all used up now, but I got some nice art supplies this week!


Janets Planet said...

I think a tree series is a good idea. There is something about trees.

Cynthia said...

I love trees, circles, sets of 3. I think you're really onto something. I also appreciate your story of your family. It's so true, isn't it? Congratulations on your sales.

Lynette said...

Thanks Jan, I don't know why I just always loved the shapes of trees so I'm thinking it's a good subject for my art. I never could do figures very well though.
Cyn thank you so much. Yes it is sad but true about life going in a circle. My daughter is happy living with her friend but I'm going to wait a little before I 'take over' her empty room because it is still full of her things and 'just in case' she moves back. I still can't belive I'm actually selling some art again, woohoo! I had a long dry spell there but now I have time to paint again! :D

jafabrit said...

Now why am I NOT surpised two of your trees sold :) Your series is wonderful and I like the stories behind them.
LOL! I can't do trees very well, thank goodness others can so I can enjoy theirs.

Lynette said...

aww thanks JB, it took me forever to get up the nerve to even try e-bay and I guess now I'm doing the happy dance! I'm pretty awful at doing portraits and figures though. I struggled through one and it was kind of cartoony looking. I love the faces you do, they are so fantastic and full of depth and emotion.

Mother of Invention said...

The tree and spider eb tie in realy fact there may be a metaphor in that! We are caught or trapped (as in a spider's web)in the perpetual circle of life...we just switch positions in that circle as we grow older...and trees are always in some form of the yearly ans seasonal circle. neat!

I have never even gone on E-Bay and I don't even know how you buy something there! Do you put your visa # there to pay for it?

Lynette said...

Hello m.o.i. thank you for the very deep insights and ain't it the truth! I know lots of people have paypal accounts and I think a person can pay with a credit card through there. I got a bid on this one, woohoo! I've got 2 more little tree aceo's going tonight. I seem to do better with doing trees than anything else so guess I better stick with them.

Lisa Carney (Asil) said...

Lynette, your aceos are stunning. I bet you'll sell them all in no time! :)

Lynette said...

Awww thanks so much far it's going good as long as I stick with the trees LOL!