S I T T I N G I N MY T R E E H O U S E...
Friday, April 30, 2010
More Lynxie Trees and a Suzie Update ~I haven't been painting much lately, but I did paint three more Lynxie Tree aceos. Suzie the new pup has had some rough days since I last posted, but wow, look out now! She is looking soo much better and she is sooo hyper energetic lol! Her nose discharge finally cleared up and she has been eating like a little pig. We had to loosen up her collar a notch today. I'm so relieved that she is almost completely well now and my only problem is trying to keep her from trying to chew my hands off every time I go out in the yard, she's a little nipper! :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Daughter Kristie and Suzie ~My daugher has always loved dogs and came by to see our new puppy Suzie the day after we adopted her from the animal shelter. She's a 6 month old Lab mix and wow, what a week! We noticed that Suzie had developed a cough when we adopted her that morning. Well, she quickly got soo much sicker and really fast...the last week has included two trips to the vet with an IV and strong antibiotics. At first she was given a diagnosis of kennel cough, but on the 2nd trip to the vet, they suspected the dreaded distemper and gave her a 50/50 chance of survival. We were pretty devastated, but this post does has a happy ending. Since she was treated yesterday morning, she has improved so much! Yesterday and today, she has mostly rested, but she seems to be getting well fast and she's eating good again and even getting playful too. Go Suzie pup, we're keeping our fingers crossed!
More Lynxie Trees....
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
New Lynxie Trees ~I've been delving into the land of abstraction with these lately and it's been fun! These are both aceos on wc paper and I used everything but the kitchen sink in these-acrylics, including metallic gold and pearl colors, medium charcoal pencil, black ink, and crystal glitter.
Wash Me ~Can you tell the tree pollen is just crazy right now? My car was washed (thanks to Rob) just a couple of days ago! It's like a fine yellow dust coating everything, including the pansy bloom below. They have bloomed out so pretty and just a few months ago they were covered in snow! The last picture is of a sunrise cactus I gave my mom-in-law for Easter. Her husband had to go through surgery monday but he is doing much better now.
Hello and thanks for visiting! I've been painting and drawing for many years. I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and I've always enjoyed creating art! I'm fascinated with trees, growing up in Kentucky and living in Virginia for over 20 years! I love the outdoors and enjoy painting it!