S I T T I N G I N MY T R E E H O U S E...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I tried to place this in the post I just made but I'm too much of a tech dummy to figure out how to do it. I heard this F-4 tornado back in '93. I was at work in Old Town Petersburg, Virginia and the tornado was only two blocks away from us.
Tornadoes! ~My heart goes out to all those who were affected or lost their lives in the tornadoes in the U.S. this week. We had some pretty scary weather here in Virginia too and I got a couple of pictures of how the skies looked.
Skies ~I've been on a sky kick lately, these three paintings are acrylics and aceo/art card size on 140 lb. watercolor paper.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
New ACEO size paintings and pictures from last Saturday ~Here is some more small paintings I've done lately and some weather pictures from last Saturday. Wow, what a scary day. The huge storm front moved through North Carolina and Virginia, spawning tornadoes left and right. We had a tornado warning and one touched down about 10 miles from us, it was scary! We were ready to head to the hall with a mattress over our heads a couple of times. Finally the storms moved east of us and surprised us with a wonderful full moon to the east. I was running for the door with my camera lots of times that day! Scary weather but it was good for picture taking!
Hello and thanks for visiting! I've been painting and drawing for many years. I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and I've always enjoyed creating art! I'm fascinated with trees, growing up in Kentucky and living in Virginia for over 20 years! I love the outdoors and enjoy painting it!