Sunday, January 29, 2012

More Crescent Moons, Big Blue Skies and Red Barns ~ I'm still alive, I just took a break from my blog and from painting (or rather my muse must have taken a break from me!) I finally decided to paint a couple of small aceo size paintings of my favorite subject, the countryside. I hope everyone is doing great and having lots of creative fun!!


~Babs said...

Hi Lynnie,
that muse can be an illusive lil booger, huh? Same here,,for far too long.
I love the twilight lighting in these two, and how it barely picks out the colors on the barn.
Always love your landscapes,,,and great to see a post!

Lynette said...

Yes Babs, that's for sure. Thanks for the nice words!!

Marietjie said...

Hi Lynette,
Glad you are still alive, so you an produce more of your beautiful work.

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