S I T T I N G I N MY T R E E H O U S E...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
"ABSTRACTINGCOLORS"Another digital painting created with "magic" pixels.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I sure learned a valuable lesson tonight: CALIBRATE YOUR MONITOR regularly! I found this link http://pages.prodigy.net/ecmorris/tips/monitor.htm in one of the threads in WetCanvas and after adjusting to the proper settings realized that ALL of the images I've been posting lately are very yucky looking. Black on my monitor looks a kind of dingy dark gray to everyone else. eek! Here's the same photo of my painting after calibrating my monitor correctly (I hope). Can you see a difference? Which means I have to redo every singe photo of my works and repost them, arrgh!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
LIFE IS A ROLLER COASTER Being inspired to try something new that I've been seeing some of the other artists doing, I decided to try painting a triptych (3 paintings) in different vibrant colors. These little paintings just flew by and I had a blast doing them. They are each 6 1/2 x 10 inches and painted in acrylics on unstretched Friedrich canvas pad canvas. I even used some glaze medium to glue some diamond dust glitter over the moon. (actually sparkly white tiny pieces of plastic from the craft store). I have got to try another in this same style, love the colors and how they turned out! I also have posted a close-up of the sparkly moon.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
NATURE'S POT OF GOLD....Yea I finally got this one done. It's 16 x 20 inches in acrylics on stretched canvas. I feel there are treasures more valuable in nature than in the jewelry stores (not that I don't love beautiful jewels and gold LOL)
I am feeling so honored and grateful that an artist that I admire so very much quoted me in her blog. She is an extremely talented artist and makes the most incredible works which she shares in her blog. CHECK IT OUT and thank you so very much W.J.! http://art166.blogspot.com/
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Molten Midnight Sun...Here it is finished and hanging on my wall. Didn't do much else to it except add a tree leaning in from the right. I put it in ABU to sell but I have a feeling I'll miss it a lot if I'm lucky enough to sell it. It's funny how attached to our paintings we can get. :)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Molten Midnight Sun This is my newest painting and it's acrylics on stretched canvas, 11 x 14 inches. This is a work in progress as I did some more work on it after I took this photo and will post the finished one tomorrow. I painted one before with drops of light and really like this effect, I think I'll do more like this, maybe it could be my signature style or something. I titled this one "Molten Midnight Sun"
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Here's another digital magic painting..."Lifepulses"
Hello and thanks for visiting! I've been painting and drawing for many years. I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and I've always enjoyed creating art! I'm fascinated with trees, growing up in Kentucky and living in Virginia for over 20 years! I love the outdoors and enjoy painting it!