More photos of the tiger lily. eek I just realised that I've been spelling the word lily wrong, it doesn't have 2 'L's just one. Anyways, Cynthia and anyone else that desires to paint this, please feel free. I would love to see it if you do paint it. I think I may give it a try myself. I will go post these later in the IRL in WC also. This plant is puzzling me. The original seeds (bulbils) came from the backyard of my Grandma's house in Kentucky. Later my Mom had them growing from the bulbils (black pods on the stem) also that she got from my Grandma's place. I googled tiger lily but none I saw were as huge as these things. The size of them were about 3 ft. but the ones my Mom had growing looked at least 6 feet tall! Mine are around 5 feet tall. Also the stems looked different than the ones I saw when I did the search.
this is amazing, I don't think I have ever seen any like it. The size and the colours are just something else. Oh it would be fun to see some paintings of it.
Yay!!!! I was hoping you would say allow me to paint these huge tiger lilies!!!!! I can't wait. I think I'll do it today. I was wondering what those black bulbous thingies were...I thought maybe they were galls or something. Skipping around the room....
LOL have fun Cyn and I may give it a go myself, I would love to paint one of these for my Mom! I also posted these in the RIL in WC. I looked through a bunch of the lily pics in there but didn't see any like these weirdo flowers I have. I told my daughter maybe they're some alien mutant flower hehe! :P They have black spots all over them too.
Gosh, Lynette, this is gorgeous! Years ago, my grandmother had these in her garden in Arkansas. I don't remember what they're called, but I do remember her saying that there are hundreds of varieties of lilies, so finding info on them could take a while. You might try sending a photo and description to your County Agricultural Agent's office. I've done that a few times when I needed help in the garden. They know everything!
I do remember that when she cut them for display indoors, she always put a cloth under the vase. That pollen falls like rain on everything!
These are fabulous! I would kill to have these in the garden!
I just posted a painting today of your beautiful photograph of the lily! I did take some liberties.... I also linked back to your blog. Thanks again.
Cyn I got so excited when I saw your painting, you did such an icredible job on it!!! OMG I love it! I am going to give it try too but I may have to wait till we get back from visiting my Mom. We're leaving Saturday morning and coming back Tuesday night. I'll have the rest of that week to do some painting. W.J. that is a really good idea! I could even E-mail them the question with a photo. I am curious what this lily is called. Those little things that look like shoes are covered in the brown/orange dust.
This is a gorgeous lily. Have never seen one quite so "exuberant". All the tiger lilies I have ever seen have all been timid in comparison.
wow, 5 feet tall! hard for me here (in HK) to imagine a tiger lily at this height.... Anyway, this is really lovely.
Thanks janvangogh! The ones my Mom had were way taller than me last summer when I visited. Sadly she said hers didn't come up this year though so I'm taking her some of the bulbs. I hope mine come up every year, this is only the 2nd year mine came up.
Thank you fennymum! My friend W.J. has a good idea. She said to E-mail a pic to the county extension agent and help me identify which kind of lily this is. I couldn't find any like this when I googled tiger lily! That's what my Mom said they are.
I found this website...and could be of help identifying it. I checked Colorado County Extension and nothing. There's got to be 1000's of varietals of lilies out there!
Thanks for your kind comments on my interp of your lily.
Thanks for the link Cyn! I'm going to go see if I can find ones like these. I love your painting it's fantastic!! I'll have to wait till we get back from our trip but I'll have some days off then and think I'll try painting it then. Ugh I have one day off from work before we leave Sat. morning! :o
Have a great trip! We're going to Yellowstone in a few weeks...always good to get away. Have fun!
Thanks for the link Cyn, yesss I think I found it, it's a davidii! Cool! Wow you're going to Yellowstone I bet you will have a great time up there. I hope you get lots of photos to share with us! I'll be back on this coming Tuesday so our trip won't be that long.
Hi Lynette. Thank you very much for stopping by my blog. I have posted up a "Google image" in my blog especially for you. (Hope you don't mind.)
Thanks fennymum! Yes I love the image from my last name! Now you have me curious how bad the one my first name was. It must have been pretty bad..LOLOL!
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