Sunday, July 30, 2006

"Night Stairs" Acrylics on unstretched canvas
"Junkyard Treasures" Acrylics on unstretched canvas "Celestial Colors Red" 4x4 inches art squared
"Celestial Colors blue" 4x4 inches art squared

Acrylics on Canvas ~ I finally got some photos of what I've been working on the last week. These are all traditional paintings and acrylics on unstretched canvas. Sometimes I wonder where I get such a weird imagination. I just start painting with no clear plan in mind and end up with strange looking works like these! I'll be putting these up for auction at very soon!


fennymun said...

Very nice groups of works! I could feel the movements of brushes on the canvas.

jafabrit said...

Oh these are great, full of energy and the colours are yummy. I really like "junkyard treasures"

Unknown said...

Yep, you can really feel the movement in all of these -- they're wonderful! Those stairs look like they might be dangerous, but I'd HAVE to climb them, anyway!

Never question your imagination, Lynette. Everyone should be so lucky!

Cynthia said...

I think sometimes, those are the best works of art...the ones that flow un-inhibited from the unknown!

Nice fave is also Junkyard Treasures!

Lynette said...

Wow thanks so much everyone! Sometimes if I don't paint for several days the energy and need to paint comes bursting out of me and my brushes and paint start flying LOL!
Thanks fenny, my brushes were moving and it felt wonderful!
Thanks Alfreda and Cynthia! My daughter rerearranged her room last night and said "I need one of your neat paintings to put on my wall" so I let her have that one. She has 4 of them in there now. It makes me feel good that she likes my paintings. Hi and thanks busy lady W.J.! Yep those stairs look one of those trick stairways that turn flat as you climb them LOL!

Unknown said...

You're lucky, Lynette. There's not a single piece of my art hanging on a wall of anyone I'm related to.

They have zero interest. Only two of them have ever bothered to check out my main site, and if any of them have ever visited the blog, they've stayed very silent about it.

Ah, relatives.

Yep, I get whiney when I'm tired, hot, and hungry . . .

Lynette said...

Good grief W.J. your relatives don't know what they're missing!!
:( buy hey I know what you mean about relatives though. My family didn't show much interest till I started selling a few of my paintings though, now that I remember. Just wait till you make it big someday and they'll regret not showing more interest! Hmmmph LOL!

Unknown said...

No, they won't. They'll just ask for money!

Morning, Lynette!

Lynette said...

Ha W.J. that's when you tell them "hmmm who are you"? and a big "NO"! :D

jafabrit said...

sheesh wj, I can't believe that, well yes I can!!!!!!! But wow, your work is stunning. I don't get that lack of interestest at all.

lyn it does feel good that at least your kids love your work and want to hang it on the wall. I can't say I Blame them :)

Lynette said...

Awww thank you Alfreda! :D