Saturday, December 22, 2007

'New and Improved' summer ACEOs ~ I worked some more on the summer ones and now I think they look a whole lot better! Babs, thank you for the tips and Pamie I hope that you are feeling better!
I haven't been visiting my friends blogs as much lately because my 8 year old computer has gotten slower than molasses in the winter! It takes forever for most web pages to even load now but Santa is bringing me a new computer this year, so hopefully things will be much faster soon.

I hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Mother of Invention said...

Same here! My old one just grinded to a halt and won't even boot up! I can only go on our office computer when it's closed which isn't that often. I hope to get a new one sometime in Jan.

You have a fabulous Christmas!

Lynette said...

You have a fantastic Christmas too MOI!! Yes, it's aggravating and I spend more time waiting than looking at the web pages now. I'm glad you can use yours in the office till you get the new one.

Cynthia said...

Merry Christmas, Lynette! 8 years is a long time for a computer to last - enjoy your new one.

Happy new year to you too!

~Babs said...

Trees look really good, Lynn.
What a good Santa you have!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lynette, the trees look great, love them. Also I got the others as well and they are beautiful. Thank you, Thank you!!!) Not feeling much better, this bronchitis is kicking my butt. Haven't had a good nights sleep in over a week. Thanks goodness the kids are out of school for the next 2 weeks!!!

jafabrit said...

Hope you enjoy your new computer and you are having a lovely holiday season. All the best for the New Year :)

Anonymous said...

These are absolutely wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with us! I'm a bit late on the commenting but I hope that you had a lovely Christmas! *HUGS*

Lynette said...

Thank you Cyn and Happy New Year to you too!
Thanks Babs and this new Vista is beautiful with the graphics and colors, but trying to run my programs and install them...waaahh!!
Pamie (hugs) I'm glad you like the summer trees and I am going to get on the spring trees tonight! That bronchitis is really tough to heal from...I hope you are feeling better now!
Hey Corinne, I hope you have a great New Years and eek, I hope I will enjoy this new computer soon, if I could just figure out how to use it LOL!
Hii Angela, Christmas was wonderful but I'm glad it's over much stress, baking, cleaning arrgh and I've missed painting too! I hope you have a great New Years!
LOL my word verification thingee is 'hhcoca' makes me think of hot cocoa!

Janets Planet said...

These trees look so refreshing. While I cant complain about the winter we have had, I am ready for spring.

Happy New Year!

Andrea and Kim said...

Happy New Year, Lynette!

These trees are wonderful! I just love the way they sparkle! I can't wait to see what you come up with in 2008!

Anonymous said...

Howdy, stranger!

Thanks for the holiday greeting and hope you're well and enjoying your new computer. (Vista -- eeeeeek!)

My plan (you know a woman's gotta have a plan!) is to get back on the blog-bus sometime next week. I have a h-u-g-e list of other stuff to catch up on, first.

An artist's work is never done!

Talk to you soon,
~ W. J.

Mother of Invention said...

I just got a new computer but it's not hooked up yet so I'm still in the office. Hope you get back soon! Happy New Year!

Lynette said...

Hi Janet, I know what you mean and we are in for the worst couple of months before spring does come. I would just like to see a little snow here first though. Had a couple flurries but that's it.
Hi Kim! Happy New Year to you too! I did get those spring trees done tonight, yea!
W.J.!!! hugs to you and it's great to hear from you, you were getting me worried cause I hadn't heard from you in so darn long! :) I'm glad you're just busy and're right an artist's work is never done!
MOI, did you get the Vista, eek, it's definitely different! The graphics and animation are wonderful though. Happy New Year to you too!!!