More Christmas Trees ~ The bottom two photos are ACEO size paintings with sparkly stuff (crystal glitter) in the snow and the painting in the top photo is 5 x 7 inches. These are painted with acrylics on 140 lb. watercolor paper and I also used little touches of the pearl irridescent and gold interference acrylics in all of these. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
I get so excited when you are in the middle of tree season, Lynette! :) These are just wonderful and can imagine they are over the top in person! You have a wonderful way with trees there is no doubt about it!
I always look forward to these.
Thanks Lynette and you have a great weekend, too.
Love seeing these Christmas ones coming up,,,,you always do them proud!
Love the purple-ish shadows in the snow.
Great lil red birds in the bigger one!
Hi Kim, thanks so much! I love painting Christmas trees but I'm not doing any decorating till at least the day after Thanksgiving.
Aww thank you Babs! We have so many of the red cardinals come to the feeders every evening at dusk and I thought some redbirds might look pretty in a Christmas tree.
They're all gorgeous Lynette. You really have become "Lady of the Trees"!
I'm betting you could sell a ton of these as greeting cards!
Hi W.J. it's great to hear from you and I'm travelin' over to your blog to see what you've been up too. I was wondering about maybe submitting my Christmas tree to the imagekind site but don't know if anyone would see it or not. Thanks for the nice words!
I love how the sky swirls in the second one -- very pretty!
You've got nothing to lose by giving ImageKind a shot. You won't know 'til you put it out there!
Love to see these Christmas painting. From all of them the first with blye colors looks fabulous since I love blue color. Thanks for sharing.
plastic business card
very nice painting christmas tree. looks very great and keep it up your painting. Thanks for post.
Shopping cart
err ummm thank you Plastic Business Card and Shopping Cart. Hmmm, me thinks I've been hit by spammers but at least they left nice comments. :o :)
Terri, thank you so much!
W.J. I did put a couple of things in Imagekind, it doesn't hurt to try 'em!
I adore these, Lynette! If I find myself lapsing out of the Christmas spirit, I need only come back to your blog.
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