Area 63 ~ What a crazy title for these paintings and it just sort of popped in my head. This is a triptych and they are both 5 x 7 acrylics on watercolor paper. I'm blaming the weird title on the fact that my husband downloaded the google earth program the other day. I've been virtually traveling all over the globe the last few days...what a mind-boggling program! I even walked in the neighborhood in Louisville, KY that I grew up in and saw the old house that I lived in as a child. I hate to tell my age here, (OK I'm turning 55 in less than a week LOL) but the last time I saw this house in person was about 40 years ago and I was so surprised that it's still there! My dad had turned the house into apartments when we lived there in the '60's. The story I heard as a child was that an artist had lived there at the turn of the century and she had a studio way up in the attic. I always thought that was fascinating and it may have been one of the influences which turned me towards making art! Talk about a blast from the past!