Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daughter Kristie and Suzie ~ My daugher has always loved dogs and came by to see our new puppy Suzie the day after we adopted her from the animal shelter. She's a 6 month old Lab mix and wow, what a week! We noticed that Suzie had developed a cough when we adopted her that morning. Well, she quickly got soo much sicker and really fast...the last week has included two trips to the vet with an IV and strong antibiotics. At first she was given a diagnosis of kennel cough, but on the 2nd trip to the vet, they suspected the dreaded distemper and gave her a 50/50 chance of survival. We were pretty devastated, but this post does has a happy ending. Since she was treated yesterday morning, she has improved so much! Yesterday and today, she has mostly rested, but she seems to be getting well fast and she's eating good again and even getting playful too. Go Suzie pup, we're keeping our fingers crossed!
More Lynxie Trees....


Katiejane said...

Yes, go Susie pup. You can do it!
She's so cute, Lynnie. I hope she brings much joy to your family.
Love your little trees, again.

San said...

I don't remember seeing a picture of Kristie on your blog. She's lovely. And that Suzie is adorable. I'm so glad she's doing well.

And those trees. Well, you already know what I think about your trees.

~Babs said...

Aaah, your 2 beautiful babies!
Hoping both are doing great!

I love the splash of orange in that little tree painting,,but of course I always love your trees.

Janets Planet said...

Hope the doggy is doing okay.

Lynette said...

Argh, I have been lazy about keeping up my blog lately! Thanks Kate, Suzie is something else. She was so deathly sick for a couple of days we didn't know if she would make it but wow, she is more than making up for it now. She is a bundle of energy lol!!
Thanks soo much San, I don't get to see her enough, she's so busy with going to school and working.
Heya Babs, yep, that's my 2 babies. I'm hoping Kristie can come over this weekend, I don't get to see her enough.
Thanks Janet, Suzie the pup is sooo hyper. She just finished all her medicine and she is really energetic and looking so pretty. She was a really sick pup for a couple of weeks after we adopted her.

Timothy said...
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Arthur said...
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