Sunday, April 16, 2006

Spring has definitely sprung! and HAPPY EASTER to everyone. My rhododendrun bushes in front of the house are all in pretty red blooms and swarming with big fat yellow and black bumblebees, hummingbird moths, and big bright yellow butterflies. I saw my cat lying on the back of the couch gazing through the window and watching the fluttering butterfly. Every time the butterfly would come close to the window she would duck her head, switch her tail wildly, and go into pounce mode like she was going to just jump through the window glass LOL. I got out my digital camera and got a picture through the glass of what she was so intently staring at. It turned out pretty good for a photo taken through the window.


tlwest said...

great photo! I love spring!

Lynette said...

Hi Terri and thanks so much! I love spring too it's so nice to see all the colors of blooming things.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, Lynette!

We've had so little rain here that nothing's blooming normally. Soon, it will be to hot for all but the lantana.

Right now, I only have one blooming hibiscus. If I'm lucky that will attract a few hummingbirds and butterflies. Too bad I have to walk out into the driveway to see it!

Lynette said...

Thanks W.J. It has been extremely dry here just until the past few days. We are still way behind on rain though and had lots of brush fires going on the last few weeks. I love hibiscus flowers they are so gorgeous!