Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Old Kentucky Home ~ Here are some photos I got on our recent trip to Kentucky to visit my family. From scenic views in Western Virginia during the trip..someone splashing through the views we saw driving through Lexington, Kentucky...old stone fences, a mural painted on a stone wall at a horsetrack, fences, barns, big trees and lots of bluegrass.


Cynthia said...

These are lovely photos! The sky looks so blue! Even though driving is long, you wouldn't get those views from an airplane.

jafabrit said...

I love seeing old stone walls. great set of pics.

Lynette said...

Thanks Cynthia yep flying over in a airplane you can hardly even tell that there are mountains down there. This is acutally a scenic overlook but I took the pictures while moving in the vehicle between trees blocking my view. We were soo tired by then we just wanted to get home!
Hi Alfreda thanks so much! There is lots of those old stone fences in Lexington, and the grass is so pretty through there! There is also miles and miles of fences and barns, gorgeous scenery wish I had taken more photos!

fennymun said...

I like the creek, the water is so clear, and the grasses as well. It makes me want to travel again...

Unknown said...

A gorgeous set of photos, Lynette! Those l-o-n-g fences are what I always picture when I think about Kentucky.

I would never have made it home from this drive! I can hear myself now:

"Pull over!"

"Pull over!"

"Pull over!"

. . .

Lynette said...

Thanks fenny and W.J. I was taking photos through the window of the moving vehicle. It got kind of tricky sometimes though. It was such a long drive we just wanted to get there as fast as we could. Oh man Lexington was so gorgeous, I wish we had grass like that here!

Lynette said...

I forgot to add that little someone walking through the creek is my daughter who is going to be 20 next month! :D

Janets Planet said...

The picture of the water, riverbed and reflection is very deceptive. Again, it looks as tho it could be melting ice. I probably think of that as I took some melting ice photos for a photog course way back.

Lynette said...

Jan you're right it really does look like melting ice. Maybe because the blue of the sky is reflecting in the water. It was so hot that day even down at the creek!