Thursday, July 06, 2006

NO these are not chili peppers ~ they are flower buds growing out in front of our garage. My Mom had some that she got from my Grandma's old place and the things were like 6-7 feet tall, monster flowers. I brought back some of the funny little shiny black seeds (growing on the hairy stem) and planted them here in Virginia about 5 years ago. A couple of years passed and nothing came up so I sort of forgot about planting them. Well, last year 2 of them came up and boy was I surprised. This year more of them came up! Mine aren't as tall as the ones my Mom has but they're still a little taller than I am. I can't wait till the buds open. My Mom said these flowers are tiger lillies.


Unknown said...

These are gonna be so awesome! I love lilies, and those colors are incredible! Can't wait to see them in bloom!

jafabrit said...

wow those are big flower pods. Yes, they look like chilli peppers.

Cynthia said...

At first, I thought Chili Peppers too, but they've been on my mind lately. Then I recognized the foliage...some kind of Lily! I hope you post an image of them in bloom too. You're lucky to have grown them from seed, I'm never as lucky and opt for the bulbs instead. I love ORANGE.

Lynette said...

Thanks Alfreda and Cynthia! I'm starting to think the things are never gonna bloom, they've been like this a week just turning more orange every day. I googled the things and found out the funny black balls on the stem are called bulbils instead of seeds. That's what I planted them from. I'll share a pic when they bloom.

tlwest said...

Chilli peppers haha thats what I thought at first!