YEA a fellow rockhound! I just visited my friend Jafabrit's blog and I discover that she is a rockhound too and has some fascinating rocks with faces and personalities in her blog! You can see them here: http://jafabrit.blogspot.com/ When we went to Kentucky last month we visited the creek down there and I have found some really neat fossils and strange rocks under the clear shallow water. This is one I picked up because it has such an interesting texture and tonight I was looking and noticed some 'sparkly' stuff in one of the cracks. I washed it with a toothbrush and soapy water to see if I could see it more clearly. It's tempting to crack it open but I won't because it may just be sand inside and I don't want to ruin it's unique shape. Here is a plain photo of it and one I photoshopped. Darn no matter how hard I try I can't get a great close-up pic because they always look a little blurry.
wow! no wonder you picked this one up,it is wonderful. Are you going to put it somewhere special?
I have a bowl of rocks in my studio and I sometimes just pick them up so I can hold them. silly but there ya go.
hey thanks for the shout out.
LOL Cool!! that has the shape of dinosaur poop or an egg how big is it ?
Hi J.B. I have it on top of my microwave in the kitchen right now. LOL I know what you mean, I have rocks saved all over the house, even in my jewelry box.
Ha Terri it may be fossilized dinosaur doodoo! I can see little sparkly stuff when I hold it under the light oh it's tempting to crack it open but like my husband said it may just have a little spot of crystals in it and the rest just rock so I'll resist the temptation.
oops forget to tell you that it's about 2 1/4 inches wide.
I love rocks too! When I was in school I had to take a science with a lab and needed the easiest one since my math skills are shaky, so I signed up for geology 101 with lab..."Rocks for Jocks" as it was called.
Well, it wasn't easy, but had limited math (that was good). I loved it so much, I almost changed my major from fine art to geology...except that would have delayed graduation another 3 years and most of the jobs are in oil exlporation off the continental shelf. LOL.
Anyway, nice rock...I almost picked some up from my trip...but didn't.
Thanks Cyn and I hope you had a great time on your trip! I'm with you, I had 2 geology classes in college and it surprised me how much I loved that subject. Ha I can still even remember the tectonic plate theory and the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks LOL! But I tried to take a physics class one time and sheesh most of it flew right over my head with too much math LOL!
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