Thursday, September 13, 2007

FEELING THE SUN ~ This is another little 6 x 6 inch painting I did pretty quickly and it's acrylics on stretched canvas. I'm also getting ready to repaint the walls in the house soon so I'll be in lots of painting projects soon but I love it! I think I'm going to hang some of my little 6 x 6 abstracts in the hallway after it's done. Cyn I've gone through almost all of those little canvases I bought from ya and I really love that size!


Anonymous said...

WOW! What wonderful texture! I absolutely love it!

Janets Planet said...

Lynnette. You really have some movement going on. Plus you have captured some sort of glow in the colors.

We are back from Chicago and back to work on the garage attic in the morning.

~Babs said...

Hi Lynnie,,,sneaking away from the babysitting for a minute to see your new work. As always, your color choices are so right on,,,LOVE the bright areas of light in this one. Makes me think of Sunbeams.

Lynette said...

Hello and thanks so much Angela! Hey Janet thanks a bunch! I think I'm changing my plans on making the upstairs of the garage a studio. I got to thinking about all the stairs going up there, having to walk through the yard at night to get there (snow, bugs, etc.) and the main problem, having to cool/heat the room before even working in there. (Plus the worry about my paints/supplies freezing up there in the winter) I've decided to go ahead and redo the 3rd br in the house and make the small one that I've been painting in officially my studio. Anyways, thats the plan now! :)
Babs, I bet you're enjoying that little guy, he's a doll! Well Chris, my daughter's bf really liked that one so I ended up giving it to him. I gave her the other 2 little ones so they would have a little triptych together.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting Lynette! And good luck for the redorating :-D


Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant redecorating of course 8-O

Lynette said...

Hi Flo, I hope you are doing well...going over to check out your blog now! Thanks so much I really enjoyed painting those little ones on stretched canvas. I've getting ready to start painting the walls/woodwork around the doors/ceilings in the house. It's a small house so hopefully I can get it all done myself, the painting in here that is. :o

Cynthia said...

Love the painting, Lynette! The brush strokes feel so spontaneous and free...

jafabrit said...

I really like how you have captured the light/glow at the end of the beams.

Mother of Invention said...

It seems to be moving and swirling. Pretty neat and bright.

Lynette said...

Thanks so much Cyn, I painted that one really fast before the paint could dry. acrylics dry so fast!
Thanks J.B. I think it was just a happy accident with my brush because I was painting that one so fast!
Thanks bunches M.O.I.!