Oh! The cresent moon and planets in their special alignment the other night just took my breath away and I immediately had the urge to try and do a painting of it. There's no way I could capture the actual beauty of that sight, so I just painted my impression of what I felt looking up at the night sky! We are supposed to get a little snow tonight and they even have the winter weather advisory on TV. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I listed this one on Ebay: Heart of Ice The listing fees have gotten lower there and I had some good luck with listing an ACEO print there last week.
Dear Lynette, I love that you looked up at the night sky and then painted your impression! This is a lovely inspiring piece.
You have a studio just like mine! A small bedroom in which I also have a single bed which I cover with a drop cloth and use as a surface for paintings drying flat. Unfortunately this doubles as a quest room, since out other spare room has become our office with computer etc.
We had snow last night. Not enough to cover very much. As long as the roads are good, I am okay with it. But the winds that came afterwards are horrible. Really really gusting!
I love a clear night sky.
So gorgeous, Lynette! I spent the better part of three chilly nights out on the porch with camera in hand. I got several decent shots, and am working on a digital piece.
It's true -- great minds DO think alike.
I hope you're keeping this wonderful piece for yourself!
P. S.
Please send snow...
That's beautiful!
Please visit us at the India Art Summit. Following the inaugural success of India’s international art fair for modern & contemporary artworks in 2008, the second edition is slated for the 19th – 22nd August 2009 in New Delhi, India.
Do visit our website for more details at www.indiaartsummit.com.
Hi Lynette,
How beautiful is this lovely painting...I love your impression. If you wanted a replica, then you would have taken an excellent photograph, right? Tree Lady, you know I love that icy tree! I am still in awe how you do that on those tiny little cards.
Ha Ha Ha! My studio is so much the same...a real mess and a spare bedroom!
Hugs Lynette!
Your sky painting is just perfect Lynnie! A real sparkler!
And the tree is of course, so you!
This is your time of year to 'shine'!
We're supposed to have snow coming in tonight,,and the cold front is already here,,,brrrr!
Your studio looks much like mine, only mine is more messy. We have a guest room in addition to this bedroom, but occasionally we put a mattress on the floor in my paint room too,,,for overflow.
Thank you so much Dianne. LOL it's neat to have a studio that can double as a guest room and I really like that idea of a drop cloth.
Janet we barely got a dusting of snow here that night but it is really gusty here tonight and it's going to rain, yuck. I love clear cold nights too, the stars are so bright.
Hey W.J. I can't wait to see the piece you are working on with that wonderful moon and planets! I'm not sure what to do yet with that painting, got it in my kitchen right now. Yep hehe great minds do think alike! sigh, no snow here yet to send although we did a less than an inch a couple weeks ago.
Thank you for the nice words Archita and I would love to visit your site!
Thanks Kim and I think I'm so near sighted that I can see really well up close. I like doing the tiny details in the ACEOs. Ha my painting room is usually messier than this.
Aww thank you Babs and did youall get the snow out there? It has gotten warm again out this way. Ha, my painting room is usually a huge mess! Haha, flograpp is my word verification thing tonight, that word reminds me of the mess in there hehe!
Lynnie, we got just a little skiff of snow, a little ice, in freezing rain. Just enough to make the patio a tad scarey when taking the dog out.(remember she's afraid to go out by herself at night)
But man has the wind been ferocious! We have a windchill of MINUS TWO!!
"Get in here, you crazy dog!"
(I'm sure all the neighbors heard me)
Hi Lynette, I love your version of sky and the lovely little heart! Always full of little details....
Wow the celestial wonder is awesome!
Looked at your other work and I love it!
arrgh, Babs that's too cold! We had freezing temps for a couple of weeks and now it's been warm and raining here, what crazy weather!
Hi Fennymun, thanks for the very nice words!
Hi Marianne, aww thank you so very much and I love your mandalas!
Hi Lynette, love this new piece
Happy Christmas
Lynette, I should have known you would come up with something special inspired by the moon and the planets the other night. I saw it driving home from work that evening and you captured it beautifully!
I hope your Ebay auction is going well...
"Heart of Ice" Sparkles!
Thank you Genie and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi San, aww thank you! It was a beautiful sight up there with the 2 planets sparkling next to that thin moon.
Thanks so much Chewy!
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