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Special Moon Event ~ Thank you Babs for letting me know about it because I didn't even see about it on the news here and had no idea the moon would be special tonight. We've had a week's worth of heavy clouds, rain and flooding so I was so glad that tonight the sky would be clear! Check out Bab's Off the Wall Art blog to discover why the moon looked so huge and beautiful tonight! I took about 10 photos this evening as it was coming over the horizon and even used my husband's shoulder as a tripod a couple of times. :) Ha, he didn't complain too much, just commented that it looked like the moon, only larger than usual! This is the only one that turned out good enough to share since the others were a blurry disaster. This one is a big blur too, but turned out kind of neat. That train of lights under the huge glow, which is the moon, are actually a couple of cars going up the road right as I snapped the shutter. Thanks Babs, from one moon watcher lady to another!
Hi Lynette, I see you also tried to photo the moon, somehow, it is the most difficult thing to do. When I had a go at a moon-rising photo recently, the huge moon came out like a tiny light-globe!
I suppose the large, rising moon on the horizon is a bit of an illusion.
You guys are something Lynette! We women love the moon, don't we? Usually to get that moon right, you have to have a good tripod and a way to keep the shutter open an SLR where you can control the speed.
Love the Moon...
Thanks Lynette!
Dianne it is really hard. I'm thinking one of those really expensive camera and a tripod better than my husbands shoulder would work. :)
LOL Kim, we are moon gazers for sure! I used to have a camera that would have probably taken a decent moon picture but I haven't used it in years since you have to buy the film. I guess the digital cameras have taken over and I'm getting one this year for Christmas.
So when you get your new camera...take a photo of it for us :) I think it is so exciting. I love photography. Also, don't forget how much fun it is to run some of those photos through dumpr.
:) You are going to love it. Two years ago, my husband gave me a digital SLR which I adore. The thing is it is also very heavy to carry around, so I am contemplating using my old digital for that kind of isn't light though like my children's digitals. The thing is we do not have a scanner, so the digital SLR does a much better job with the paintings. It is also great for all kinds of things...much like a scanner. You have to have a good tripod for them, though.
Thanks Lynette!
Lynette, I read about that full moon being the biggest of the year after the fact. We had a lot of cloud cover, though, and couldn't see it.
Thanks for posting the photograph.
I'd have SWORN I'd left a comment here!
I love how this photo turned out,,,even though it's not what you had in mind,it's very errie, surreal, and cool!
Such fun, all this 'mooning' we've been doing.
We have NASTY weather coming in. Temps are already starting to drop,,windy as,,,,,well,,, you know.
Our hot water heater went out last night,,our handyman's back is out,,,but we are IN and warm,,,,and it will all get sorted out. Life is good!
The moon has been so moony lately hasnt it.
Thanks so much Kim and I'm not sure if the new digital camera is a slr or not, I'm hoping it will take some decent pics though. I can't wait to open it though and try it out.
Aw San I'm sorry it was cloudy there and I thing the clouds moved east for sure. It has been rainy and cloudy here, ugh. I wish I could've gotten a better pic.
Aww Babs, darn I'm sorry your hot water heater gave out and I'm hoping that your 'handyman's' back is feeling better. I know youall have been getting some cold weather out there, brrrr! Stay warm and snug!
Ha, yep Janet the moon was pretty mooney that week but it's been cloudy here the last few days, uck!
The big moon looks even bigger and brighter with your "blurry special effects". (wink)
Hi Lynette, same here, we got full moon few nights ago and it's gorgeous. When you got your SLR, you'll probably get addicted to it! Look forward to more photos here... ;)
Love your supernova moon pic, Lynette -- and, a new camera for Christmas? How exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Thanks, also, for the link in your 'Astronomy of the Day' pic. I've read so much about Newgrange and the solstice sunrise, and can't wait to witness it.
I'll bet you can guess where I'll be at 3:30 a.m. CST, tomorrow (tonight!). I've already tested my system and firewall, and set my clock -- just in case I doze off! Firefox failed the test, but IE seems to work just fine.
Hehe thanks Chewy, yep special effects and using my husbands shoulder for a tripod! :)
Hi fennymun thanks so's so awesome that you see the same sight and we live half a world away from each other. It makes you realize just how small this world is that we live on!
Wendy did you see it!? Aww what an awesome thing to see. I love the astronomy pic of the day gadget and anyone can put it in their blogs in the 'customize' area of the settings. I read where it was cloudy for the winter solstice this year where they had the web cam but I watched the video from last year, just awe inspiring!!
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