Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some new little paintings and an apple tree dressed in blooms~
I've been finding it hard to get inspired to paint until recently and I think it may be the miserable allergies I've had the last few weeks. It's funny how someone can go for most of their lives through the spring season with not a single allergy symptom...when...'wham' all of a sudden one year you find you are allergic to the pollen, flowers, etc. Thank goodness for the over counter medicines, they really do seem to help. Sneeze, cough, blow nose, take out eyeballs and scratch them, arrgh! :) That's what I feel like doing anyways!

The painting above left is one I'm working on but it's still a wip. I'm thinking about trying to paint a country barn and cows in there, but I'm still thinking about that one. Also, I've been painting some ACEOs (above right). All of these are acrylics on watercolor paper.

Our two old apple trees at the back of the yard have outdone theirselves in blooms this year, so hopefully we'll be having some apple pies later this year!


fashionbox said...

it's all so pretty!
please do keep up the wonderful work <333

channy xx

Genie said...

Hi Lyn
hope you are feeling better?
love the paintings.

Janets Planet said...

The bottom landscape is perfect the way it is! No need for anything else IMHO.

Katiejane said...

Your apple trees are gorgeous! Could be the source of your allergies, however.
I love the sky in your large painting. I can't think what else to tell you to put in there. Perhaps some apple trees? I'll bet yours would be perfect.

~Babs said...

Hi Lynnie,
Love what I see as water in that second aceo, and the skies are truly magnificient in all of them. Especially so in the large one.I like Kate's idea of apple tree,,,maybe an orchard?
Your tree is all blossomed out in all her splendor. Yuuuum, apple pie.
Hope the achoo's are better.

fennymun said...

Hi Lynette, hope you're well now.
Those trees are really lovely. It's amazing that you could have them at your backyard.

Lynette said...

Hi fashionbox, thank you! Wow, your blog was a joy to look at with all those wonderful models and fashions...ahh to look like some of those models! :)
Heyy Genie, thanks so much! I am feeling some better, it's just that the pollen is so heavy this year, whew seems like lots are having bad allergies this year.
Janet, I have the hardest time stopping on one! I already added to that and I'll post it in a min. I'm hoping I didn't overwork it.Probably shoulda left it alone.
Thanks so much Katie Jane! Ha, the pollen was so bad today, my green car had turned yellow with the pollen. Husband washed it though.
Babs, I'm going to have a ton of apples this fall by the looks of those trees. You and e1 are welcome to come out and pick a couple bushels! :p Thanks for the nice words!
Aww, thanks so much Fenny. Those little apple trees are so old, and I worry about the branches being overloaded when they bloom that heavy, had one crack one year from the weight.

jeannette St.G. said...

The photo of that tree-beautiful! And I can see you have been busy painting. The first one (with the barn) looks magical-keep painting:)