S I T T I N G I N MY T R E E H O U S E...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Diggity Dog ~This is an aceo size painting in acrylics and charcoal pencil of Suzie doing one of her favorite things, digging! I entered it in this month's ebay Nibblefest Art contest and the theme this month is 'Dogs World' ARF! Check out my friend Babs and her wonderful entries of Rosie and Spotty Dotty, she created some adorable canine magic with her clay and acrylics for this month's nfac!! To see all the entries, all starting at .99, just go to ebay and do a search for nfac. Below are some fun photos I've taken the last couple of weeks...
Mr. Bumblebee enjoying some pollen
Puddin', NO, that is not something you can play with, leave it alone!! I wasn't getting too close, but this looked like a harmless black snake and it finally went up a tree.
Eww, the joys of the macro setting on my camera. This large bug is called a robber fly and it preys on other insects by catching them, sticking a straw in their backs and sipping the contents, ick! He was sitting on the outside of the glass door.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Avoid this plant like the plague ~if you see it! ~ Because I found out too late that it's poison ivy! I was out there about a week ago wondering what this kind of pretty but fast growing vine was growing all over the fence in one spot. I was out there, without gloves, cutting and pruning it down and carrying the branches off to the burn pile. A few days later, the itchy blisters was appearing on my left hand, both legs, and tonight I have some new blisters up my left arm. Ugh, I can't believe I didn't recognize poison ivy and all my life I knew to beware of plants with three leaves! My daughter's boyfriend came out today and sprayed it with something to get rid of it.
Two more Lynxie Tree aceos....I keep on painting them.....
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun Too! ~That's what Suzie seems to be saying as she's playing in her little pool! It's hard to believe we've had her a little less than two months and how sick she was after we first brought her home! She is rowdy and rambunctious now and she has sure found a place in our hearts! We went shopping at Petsmart yesterday and got her a couple of new toys and a new pink glow-in-the-dark collar!
Here are two new Lynxie Tree aceos I finished this week, done in acrylics, charcoal pencil and black ink. The first one was inspired by all the lightning bugs (or fireflies) flashing right at dusk in the backyard. We used to have so much fun trying to catch them when I was a child...they made warm summer nights seem magical!
Hello and thanks for visiting! I've been painting and drawing for many years. I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and I've always enjoyed creating art! I'm fascinated with trees, growing up in Kentucky and living in Virginia for over 20 years! I love the outdoors and enjoy painting it!