Saturday, May 20, 2006

"MOUNTAIN MEMORIES" I've been really missing my Mom and it's been a year since I've seen her. She has been living in western Kentucky where my Dad's people are from for many, many years. She grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Tennessee and we travel through there at least once a year it sure doesn't seem often enough. She is going to be 80 years old this coming September and she is still doing pretty darn good to be that age. She still has her own little house and her small dog Bebe for company and my sister and niece live really close to her. We lost my Dad back in '99 but he was 78 and had a good long life full of love with my Mom. Anyways we drive through the Mountains to visit her every year and I made a digital painting to remember a beautiful scene we saw last year when we drove out there. There was layer upon layer of gorgeous mountains that seemed to go into infinity.


Cynthia said...

What a great tribute to your parents! When I first looked at "Mountain Memories", I thought it was a watercolor until I read that it was a digi. Very Nice. I should check back more often, you have been busy...I also really like all your stormscapes!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Lynette said...

Thanks so much Cynthia! I enjoyed seeing your blog and I've made some really good friends through blogging. I was thinking that I would like to try making a painting from one of my digital works and I like the way this one turned out so I think I may give it a try! :)

jafabrit said...

This is really beautiful and poignant too. I know how you feel about missing your mother :(

tlwest said...

really nice Lynn, You should go visit her!

Unknown said...

Lynette, this is stunning! Definitely my fave of all your digis I've seen (and, I've seen a few!). The image is perfect, as is, and I can't imagine how you'll capture this with paint. That will be quite the exercise for you! Another one for the "to print" file!

And, spoken as a friend who's never "met" you -- find a way to go see your mother. Time is fleeting.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Lynette said...

Aww thanks so much Alfreda, I know it's so hard living far away from your Mom. :( :(
Terri we've made plans to go out there in mid July. I wanted to go sooner but we all had to be able to get the same time off from work and it's a 13 hour drive out there. Thanks so much!
W.J. wow thank you for the nice compliment on this one. I don't know if I could come close to this one in paint either to be honest. I would love to get prints of this one made.