Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some digital paintings I did this week ~ I keep trying to post these and keep getting the message "permission denied". I don't know what's going on so I logged out and back in blogger, deleted all the cookies and cleared my internet history. Taking a deep breath and now I'm going to try again. These are digital paintings I did this week using the Dogwaffle art program. I haven't worked any on my acrylics this week since I had to work some extra hours away from home this week. I work part time at Target your friendly neighborhood big red bullseye and we are getting in Halloween shirts this week for sale! (eek didn't work again...is anyone else having trouble uploading pics to your blogsite this week??)


Janets Planet said...

No picture. I did have problems the other day, but I thought it was because I tried to download too many.

Cynthia said...

I'm having terrible trouble uploading pictures on blogger. It will either take forever and show loaded, when in fact there's nothing there. Or it will turn into a blank screen. I use flickr when blogger is down. I use up valuable space when I do that, but oh well.

I'll check back for your digis! I love Target!

Lynette said...

Thanks Jan and Cyn! I'm going to try it again. :(

jafabrit said...

Oh you are just teasing us ;). It is so irritating when blogger does this and you think it is because there is a problem at your end.

will look forward to seeing your pics.

Lynette said...

Hi JB, I still can't upload pics. I'm still getting an internet explorer message at bottom that says "error on page" and "permission denied". I'm gonna have to get some help to see what's going on. Hey dear you have a fantastic time visiting with your Mum and Sis!! Hopefully someone can help me figure this out soon! waaaa!

Mr. L said...

i read some of your blog. I have posted many digital paintings and large pic files on my blog. sometimes it doesn't allow me. but I just try the next day and all works fine. Your files may be too large, that is the only thing i can think of; you only need to save jpg at 72 dpi for the internet. I am using procreate IX an adobe photshop. I have painted with the real stuff for 20 years and like the messy free stuff for now. hope you get your paintings up soon. Picasojo

Lynette said...

Hi Picasojo! Thanks I am going to try it again in a minute but I think I am just going to have to e-mail support to see what's going on. My files are 72 dpi and not that large. I am off to check out your blog now, thanks for commenting in mine. :)