Friday, May 04, 2007

PRINTS, PRINTS AND MORE PRINTS ~ I love my little Epson printer that I got last weekend and as you can see by this picture I've been enjoying using it. This is lots of little prints of the things I've painted the last few years, some bigger and on stretched canvas and a few are digital paintings. Most of my file sizes were too small to make prints much larger than this, but a lot of these are the original size anyways (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 ACEO size). Almost all of the original paintings are sold and gone so I was thrilled to be able to make these prints! Anyone for a game of cards, that's what these feel like when they're stacked up. I have them all in little plastic sleeves too! :)


~Babs said...

This looks great Lynn!!
You've been a bizzy girl!
That's really cool,,,I can just see you,,,churning out those prints!

Lynette said...

Hehe thanks Babs I did have fun going through and finding files, printing, trimming and putting all these in little sleeves! I've already used about a fourth of the ink though!

~Babs said...

yes, just the little bit of printing of documents, etc that I do,,,,,I see how that ink goes real fast!!

Mother of Invention said...

They look neat altogether like that! You can see which ones really stand out. (The moon and branches do that for me!)

Cynthia said...

Holy Cow, Lynette! I think I gasped out loud when I clicked on your blog. I thought they were all new paintings. But, I'm very happy to hear that your sold paintings live on now too.

jafabrit said...

Boy, these look really good, so they must look really really good in the real. Are you going to put them up on ebay or etsy?

Lynette said...

Yep Babs the ink goes way too fast and the guy at Staples said it has 'starter' cartridges that are only half full (rolling eyes).
Thank you M.O.I. for the so kind words...I love painting the sky and moon and trees!
Thanks Cyn and if nothing else at least I can put these in a little album so I can have copies of all my kids that I don't have anymore LOL!
Hey J.B. thanks, I'm a little flustered and felt really weird listing but I put 2 on e-bay. I don't know if I will sell any or not to be honest. I have no idea what to start them at. They did turn out so good, they look exactly like the originals did (which surprised the heck out of me to be honest!) I've never had a printer that printed so well before LOL! I may list a bunch in ABU and see what happens.

jafabrit said...

Lyn I look forward to seeing some good results on the sales.

inspired said...

one word three letters WOW !!!

Lynette said...

aww thank you J.B. whew I've been so darn busy this week, I haven't had time to do much painting. I took a few of the prints to work today and gave to some of my co-workers.
Hi the salems and I say a "wow" back to you, you made my day, thanks so much! I enjoyed visiting your blog, you have some wonderful photos in there!

Janets Planet said...

Time to experiment with a white border and text.

fennymun said...

Hi Lynn, those prints are really nice, the colours are so rich that I also thought they were real paintings too! Thanks to the technology that we could keep records of these lovely works.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun printing, personally I HATE it, printers never work as they should >:-<

These make a great collection, are you going to sell them?

Kerri Settle said...

Wow! They look really great all put together; what a neat collection that would make!

Diane Cutter said...

Don't laugh, Lynnie ... This is just to let you know that you've been 'tagged'. It's a game going around the art blogs (if you want to play). Just list seven things about yourself, seven bloggers whose sites you visit, and let'em know about it. I normally wouldn't play but it's been fun finding new art blogs.

Click back thru to see the rules and learn odd facts about other artist folk.

(I'm not sure if this is an art badge of honor or not... :lol:)

Lynette said...

Hi Janet and I cut the white border off of these but on the next ones I'll leave it on, thanks!

Hi fenny, yep I'm really glad I got this printer but dread having to buy the ink for it LOL!

Hey Flo, I've been lucky with this printer so far but give it some time, eek. I hate when they mess up too. I sold one little print but after the e-bay fee and paypal fee and postage it wasn't really worth it even. :(

Hi Kerri, wow thank you so much for the kind words!

Haaa Diane you got me and I'm off to your blog to see what I have to list and hmmm pick 7 more people LOL!