I could see broken glass and dresses all over the floor here.

Mr. Wayne Covil, our local newsman at work. Rob knows him from the racetrack and we waved as we drove by. The local news people did a great job reporting the latest news and sharing pictures of the tornado damage!
The tornado hit the Target Store shopping mall, then skipped over and hit this pool store and carpet business, doing even more damage. It ripped off most of the roof here!
Tornadoes!!! ~ Three of them hit Virginia yesterday evening and one was way too close for comfort! Colonial Heights is our nearby town and we have relatives living there. Rob and I drove in today and got these photos. Thank goodness, nobody was killed but about 200 people had cuts and scrapes. We just had heavy downpour here at the house with black skies and didn't even know the tornado was hitting in town!
This tornado was bad enough but nothing like the F-4 one that hit our area back in '93. I actually heard the sound it made that day since it was hitting the old town area 2 blocks from where I was working that day! Wow, I'll never forget that sound even though I heard it from a distance...like a combination wind tunnel and truck. I remember asking someone else if they could hear the weird sounding truck out there. A couple of minutes before, like dummies, we were all looking outside the 2nd floor window oohing and ahhing and looking at the street signs flipping back and forth, having no idea or warning that a tornado was 2 blocks away! I found an old Youtube video that someone had made of the destruction from that day in '93. You may want to turn your speakers down if you don't like loud rock music, but the photos are incredible.
It tore through the Wal-mart killing 4 people that day! Sigh, Mother Nature can sure wallop us sometimes!!
Thoughts and prayers going out to the people down in Suffolk, VA. They got hit a whole lot worse than we did yesterday! :( I think I'm still feeling a little 'shellshocked' today, this brought back memories from '93!