Time for a Sunset ~ I'm not sure about this title yet but I was trying to think of somthing that had to do with the color red and time. This is 8 x 10 inches, acrylics and a little bit of black ink on a stretched canvas. I seem to be in a sci-fi mode lately when it comes to my art but I've been having the urge to paint some more trees soon. I think that'll be my next art project.
I know summer is not too far away because I saw my first lightening bug of the year right before it turned dark this evening. I was out on the deck in the backyard when I saw him. I don't remember ever seeing one this early in the year and I hope that doesn't mean that we're in for a scorching summer. But, ah those memories of chasing them on a warm humid night...running barefoot through the grass, giggling, sweating, running and jumping to catch them to put them in a mason glass jar and make a magical yellow lantern. :) Then later on, unscrewing the lid and letting them fly away till their next capture!