It was so good to get back home from our trip to Kentucky and I have some photos which I'll post later. It was great to see my sister Betsy and we visited the cemetary to place flowers on Mom and Dad's resting place. I brought back some things things that Mom had owned including the big old rocking chair that Mom's Father made before I was born. I can sit in that old chair and just feel the ones who sat in her so many times...my Dad with his stacks of Progressive Farmer magazines and chewing tobacco spitcan (ick), my Mom who sat in it for so many years holding us in her lap, even my Papaw who passed away long ago. he would take out his little tobacco pouch with a slice of apple in it, rolling his own cigarettes. Sometimes something handed down generation after generation takes on a little piece of the soul and spirit of the family who owned it. That's how I feel about that old chair.
Welcome back Lynnie! I'm back home too but only for the week-end, I'm flying back Spain on Monday.
Lynette, it is so nice to have you back. It sounds as though your trip was filled with loads of memories...and my guess is loads of tears (which came to my eyes as I read your post).
I understand what you mean about the rocker. Show us a photo! The "ick" about the chewing tobacco spit can made me smile...I remember those days, too (and I do not miss them a bit).
You and Babs have really got me going these days with your posts! I know it is a difficult Mother's Day for both of you...believe me, I will be thinking of both of you on Sunday! I remember my husband's first Mother's Day without his mother (and Father's Day without his father) which was even before we were married. It was hard, but it has gotten better over the years.
Peace with you, my friend!
I forgot to say your kitty looks so comfortable there on the dryer!
Hi Lynne , thanks for leaving a comment on my Blog. If
you would like the ATC you liked, Email me with your address, Twinkle toes looks really peaceful lying there. Cheers jean
Awwww, Kitty!!!
Flo thanks so much and it's good to be back. I love it out there but it felt a little strange without being able to visit my Mom this time. I know I'll get used to it, just takes some time. You are a busy lady and ooh to travel to those wonderful places, I would love that!
Aww Kim I think it does just take some time to heal from it and I will get a photo of that old rocker to post in here. Yep LOL that old tobacco can was pretty yucky looking. Awww Jean, wow thank you so very much, that is really sweet of you! Your ATCs are really gorgeous! I've been wanting to paint some more now that I'm back home. I'll email you with it. Things have been kind of crazy since I got back home, including my daughter who had a wreck Wednesday and totaled her truck! :o She is OK though, but bruised her hand and got some small cuts on it.
Thanks Janet, LOL she is a big chubby kitty!
Look forward to hearing from you,
Hope your daughter is ok? Take care.
Cheers Jean
Just stopping by your blog and read this entry. So hard losing our parents. Can tell that it is tough on you. Here's sending you some very good thoughts, from one who has definitely been there. KC
Love writing my blog. It is helping to keep me focused. Taking the fun out of my "yuk" habit though :) KC
Welcome Back, Lynette! Your cat is adorable!
Hi Lynnie, your Puddin's pose looks so familiar! (aren't cats cool?)
Really looking forward to seeing the photo of that chair,,,it sounds so emotionally 'comfy'.
So glad Kristie is okay,,,I know you've spent this week end being grateful.
Thanks so much everyone. Genie and KC I enjoyed visiting your blogs and it's great to meet so many neat people through our blogs! Aww thank you Cyn and Babs, I'm very grateful that Kristie wasn't hurt worse but we had to spend a few hours in the emergency room that day. Kristie is fine but her truck is really messed up. She's looking to buy a car now but kidding around, I told her I was going to get her one of those Humvee tanks to keep her safe! :o
Hi Lynette, what a lovely cat she is, I love her paws and the little white chin:)
The rocking chair looks really like a treasure, one can see that it is alive:) And thanks so much for sharing the pictures of Kentucky and WV, I love looking at places I have never been to but they remind me of my homecountry. Funny what makes us feel connected sometimes.
Have a good start into the week,
I'm glad you had a good connection from your trip and good feelings when you sit in that chair!
I just love your sweetie, Puddin'!!
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