Time for a Sunset ~ I'm not sure about this title yet but I was trying to think of somthing that had to do with the color red and time. This is 8 x 10 inches, acrylics and a little bit of black ink on a stretched canvas. I seem to be in a sci-fi mode lately when it comes to my art but I've been having the urge to paint some more trees soon. I think that'll be my next art project.
I know summer is not too far away because I saw my first lightening bug of the year right before it turned dark this evening. I was out on the deck in the backyard when I saw him. I don't remember ever seeing one this early in the year and I hope that doesn't mean that we're in for a scorching summer. But, ah those memories of chasing them on a warm humid night...running barefoot through the grass, giggling, sweating, running and jumping to catch them to put them in a mason glass jar and make a magical yellow lantern. :) Then later on, unscrewing the lid and letting them fly away till their next capture!
Hi Lynnie!
This one really has the feel of a fourth of July celebration for me, and I love it!
Also,thanks for the trip down memory lane with the fireflies & the jar. I grew up with lots of them, we called them 'lightening bugs'. Don't see many of them here,,,,just a couple now & then. I don't know why that is, but I miss them.
Hi, Lovely painting. I am home until 13th June then away for a week, Thanks for visiting my blog
Some how Mars comes to mind.
Lynette! This is really stunning. It is very si-fi, but in a soft kind of way. A tremendous juxtaposition of line and movement. Beautiful work to be sure...
Fireflies! Lightening Bugs! We used to do the same thing when we were kids. I was always interested in how they did that, and my sister just wanted more light. My parents used to sit on the porch watching us and laughing at the differences in us.
Thanks Lynette for sharing a beautiful painting and beautiful memories.
I can't wait for the trees!
How LOVELY! I love the feel to it! Wonderful work thanks for sharing it with us!
I remember seeing my first one at the age of 23 when I came to America. Oh it was MAGICAL.
Love the painting Lyn :)
I never see lightening bugs here in Denver - but my mom has a ton in PA. I wonder if it's an east coast thing??
Your paintings are very fantastical!
Thanks Babs and I've been seeing lightning bugs every evening now. Maybe as the weather warms more out there. Ugh, it's gonna hit close to 100 degrees here every day the next week. :(
Thanks Genie, I love visiting and seeing the wonderful art in your blog!
LOL, I was in the sci-fi mode Janet!
Kim, I'm almost done with my tree painting but I'm so behind on my blog. I finally got moved...I took over my daughter's room and keeping my art stuff in the smallest br. What a chore!
Hi Angela, thanks so much for the nice words!
Corinne, aren't that magical?! We used to have so much fun chasing them when we were kids!
Awww thanks Cyn! Maybe they are in the eastern half of the US. I don't remember seeing them when I lived in Cheyenne, WY for 3 years. Maybe it's the heat and humidity out here.
Like Babs, I see fireworks! Your painting is warm as summer itself.
And thanks, Lynette, for the lightning bug memories. I love your description of your "magical yellow lantern."
Yes, it's really hot here now! Lots of thunderstorms and high humidex. Glad we just got air con! keep cool!
Oh, again. This is fire, consuming our eyes, fireworks. Hot, melting.
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