The Buggersnapper ~ He flies, he swims, he jumps, he crawls...and eats up pesky bugs...a fat orange comical creature with big googly eyes! This is an ACEO size (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches) original ooak painting done in acrylics on 140 lb. watercolor paper. The buggersnappper's wings are painted in shimmery iridescent gold acrylics. Another weird one! :) I put him on ebay to see if he gets a nibble. I hope you all had a great weekend!I can't believe my 'baby' is 22 years old, boy time flies!
Cute. It reminds me of how shrimp and the like are really just bugs too.
Hi Lynette, just stop by to say hello. Yes, I'm back in a way... :)
Wow! Great works! Thanks for sharing them! Yeah time sure does seem to fly by. Happy birthday to your daughter. 22!!! The lyrics to a song comes to mind...If I could turn back time. :) Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Haaa, arrgh and I just ate some shrimp for lunch today! Even if they are bugs, they're still tasty LOL!
Hi fenny, how are you? I saw some of your photos in flickr. I love your photos, they're wonderful! There's lots of excitement in China now with the Olympics going on...would love to see them!!
Hi Angela, aww, thanks so much, yes time does fly for sure! Sometimes I'd like to slow it down some! :p
fennymum, I just went to your flickr and your photostream is a visual delight!!
I really like the rock hanging in the sky :) and your daughter is beautiful. I hope she had a wonderful birthday.
Aww thanks so much Corinne, I don't know why I painted that rock in the sky, I was kind of in an art 'funk' LOL but I liked the way it turned out. My daughter was turning pink in the face in that pic because the Lonestar steakhouse employees were stomping and clapping at our table for her Happy Birthday surprise at that moment. That was so much fun! :p
Very fun, Lynette!
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter too. I can't believe how fast they grow up. sniff sniff.
I also like the photo reference with the rock - :)
Aww Cyn, yes they do grow up waaay too fast :(
Thanks for the nice comment on the 'rock' painting. Still don't know if that one is finished though.
Kristy's so beautiful,,she really looks like her Mom about the eyes!
Time has a way of boogy-in on, doesn't it!
I was enchanted with the rock painting,,,so different!
And I think that lil shrimpy bugg is so cute! He's from right up your alley too! Makes me think of the one I have that you did of the bug eyed sea creature.
Oh, and Lynnie, I'm not getting any blossoms or seed pods yet either. I can't remember when it started to flower last year,,,but it sure seems like it should have,,way before now!
Maybe our crazy wet spring stunted it or something,,but how would I know!
Your "baby" is beautiful. Happy belated birthday to her!
I am so impressed by the detail you are able to pull off in this tiny scale. "The Buggersnapper" is a jewel.
And that painting with the suspended "rock"--pure magic. Again. You are a magic-maker, Lynette.
Awww Babs and San, thanks so much and gee I only get to see my 'baby' once or twice a week now because they live about a half hour away. I appreciate the nice words. We had lots of fun taking her and Chris out to eat that night! Babs, my plant is still growing on the fence but so slowly. Maybe they'll take a growing spurt towards fall, I hope.
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