Two new ACEOs this week~ Moon Magic 1 & 2. I've painted 3 pairs of them this week and it's been lots of fun! I paint them at the same time and it's almost like one is coming from my right brain and the other from my left. I could try painting the one on the left with my left hand but I know it would turn out a mess! :)
My friend CHERI (Ladywolf1 from Wetcanvas) has an entry in the Creativity 350 website contest and I know she would appreciate your vote for her Terra BOT 350 entry. Her entry seems to be made from all recycled objects and looks like a robot with lots of personality! This website seems to be all about conserving and the future and health of our planet...I am going to check it out! I voted for her entry here and you can too if you would like:
Hey Lynnie,,,,thanks for this link.I just voted for her too!
What a fun assemblage!
If you have her current email addy would you email it to me please? I think I have the current one,,,just want to be sure.Thanks!
Forgot to say how much I'm lovin this one too! Looks a lot like the moon has been here the last couple of nights with off & on cloud cover. Just beautiful, Lynnie!
I love her entry too Babs! That little robot looks so alive, too neat! I think her entry is the best although there are some other really good ones in there too. I just sent you an e-mail. Thanks so much!
aww thank you Babs, I was out there looking up that gorgeous moon too and it inspired those 2 ACEOs. I even took some pics of the moon but I really need to get a new camera to get better photos. :(
I am always drawn to the red ribbony things you put on the trunks of your trees.
how come you always have an inspiration for some lovely paintings almost every day? :)
How awesome, Lynette--to be able to create moon magic on both sides of your brain! I love the way these "twinkle." They have a festive, Christmasy feel.
And I will check out the link to the recycled art.
Really nice ACEOs... Can you explain a little on your inspriration for these? To me they show the course of the moon and the tree is in anticipation of Christmas and snow.... But if the tree is in representation of you it could mean something different....
Hi and thanks Janet, I don't know why I started putting those ribbon things on the trees. I think I was trying to decorate them somehow.
Fenny wow I wish I was inspired to paint something everyday...been feeling the art blahs lately though. Thanks so much for the nice words.
Aww thank you San. Sometimes I like to make 2 at once! I'm looking forward to the holiday time of year, I think. Tired of this darn heat and drought out here.
Hi Slice of Blog, thanks so much for visiting. I'm going to go visit your blog too. I think you hit on it perfectly, because we sit out on the deck when it gets dark and I'm fascinated by the moon coming up, especially when it's full. You can almost see it move if you keep looking...although it's really the earth moving and not the moon I guess LOL! I love the variety and shapes of trees and I use the tree in our backyard as a model a lot too. Thanks so much!
Twinkles and sparkles in the moonlight. I like that you tie a ribbon on the tree.
Hi Chewy, thanks for the nice words! I like to decorate my trees to celebrate the beauty of nature...well that sounds good anyways LOL!
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