Playing in the Snow ~ I hope it's not too early to be playing in the snow but I had so much fun painting ACEOs last year with winter scenes. This is 3 that I'm working on now but I keep thinking I need to add a touch of red somewhere or put a finishing touch on them. Ick, I took the picture with a flash tonight so I'll get some better pictures outside after I finish them.
My thoughts and prayers are going out to those down in Galveston, TX tonight and I listened on the news in disbelief that many thousands are not evacuating down there, yikes!!
Hey Lynnie!
Love that parade of the trees going down the hill. Perfect shadows, and love the colors in the shadows.Great paintings, both!
Those passion flowers are so cool,,,,wild,,abstract!
Hoping those not evacuated in Texas are okay,,,will be a very long time getting back to any kind of normal there,,,,sigh. Hoping they don't find loss of life in Galveston.
Aww Babs, I was thinking about youall out there and hoping that all was OK. I've been watching the news channels today and the devastation just boggles my mind! Thanks for the nice comments on my ACEOs and picture of the passion flower. I have some flower seeds and those little paintings that you sent me and I need to get them in the mail to you. I have been so darn lazy this summer. Oh Babs, I am hoping that there won't be a lot of lives lost down there too.
Hi Lynette,
I love the snow paintings. I don't think it is too early...maybe just wishful thinking! :) I know I am ready for it to be cooler and loved those couple of days this week.
I also love the passion flowers...awe, why not let them go? Eventually, you will have a great, colorful yard and not have to mow. Grass...causes so much trouble and work!
What a mess in Houston! Whew! Rode out a hurricane when we lived in Victoria. It was only a 1 when it got to us, and they did not evacuate anyone. I can say, if they told me it would be much more than a 1...evacuate or no, I am out of there! Hurricanes are serious poundings!
Thanks Lynette!
Lynette, I guess passion spreads like kudzu, but the flowers are gorgeous.
Watch it with those Christmas pictures. You're getting me in the holiday spirit already. These are all glisteny. Pass the eggnog!
Your paintings are fantastic - but look a lot like snow and Christmas - events that I'm not yet ready for at the time. :)
The passion flowers are magnificent!
Hi San and thanks, yes the flowers are really pretty and the big bumblebees love them too. I wish the vines would spread like crazy under the ground the way they do. Hehe, well the holidays are coming up woohoo!
Hi Cyn, wow thanks so much hehe, I always look forward to the holidays but it gets so hectic and busy! Thanks for the nice comments!
oops, speaking about those vines, I meant to say I wish they 'wouldn't' spread.
These should be Christmas cards! What a great camera you have! The mushroom is perfect..I see sprites and brownies...maybe some Snowy Owl or Tawney owl with some Twinkies!
I didnt realize that kudzu flowered. I would trade it for the bramble we have up here.
Hi MOI, thanks and I've been thinking about making some homemade Christmas cards and tree ornaments.
Hey Janet, oops I just meant this vine is as aggravating as kudzu. It's a passion flower vine and I should have know better then just plant it out in the yard. We used to pull them out of the garden in Kenucky and they're considered weeds even though they have beautiful flowers. Next year, they're going in a container where I can watch 'em.
gorgeous Passion flower!
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