Lady in Shadow ~ This is one I'm still working on and it's acrylics on an 8 x 10 inch stretched canvas. I don't like the spots of yellow on the face and I'm gonna have to redo that part anyways.

Oh Christmas Tree ~ Yep, I am painting the snowy holiday ACEOs again. Gee, I sure dread having to do the shopping this this year though.
Speaking of holidays...the trees out in the yard are turning into gorgeous colors and I have lots and lots of Halloween candy ready for next week even though we rarely get the trick-or-treaters out this way. Hey, you have to be prepared though, just in case! *munch munch munch* :p Mmmm, pass that candy bowl!
Hi Lynnie!! Love the WIP, great movement and depth *wave*
I admire your ability to paint small!
Love this lady in shadow Lynnie!
She's there,,,and yet so wispy, not quite there in other places, a spirit lady. Was super to enlarge & see all the detail.
The new tree is a true signature piece,,,should do well in Etsy, I'd think,very festive!
Any cashews in that candy bowl?
Lynette, you make me laugh so much...buying Halloween candy although you get few or no trick-or-treaters (well, I suppose there are two at your house, right?)
You know how much I love your trees and this is not any exception. Beautiful, indeed. Do you do holiday cards with some of these?
And your Lady is really lovely. She is keeping a secret?
Beautiful Work, Lynette, as always!
The lady in shadow is really cool. Hard to see the yellow spots on the face on line.
Eeek. Christmas in 2 months.
Heyy Flo, how are you doing? Thanks for the nice words! Going to check out your site now!
Wow thanks Vee, I've been wanting to try some largers ones lately. My painting area is soo small though!
Awww thanks Babs!!
LOL Kim, I'm sure all that candy will be ate by the big trick-or-treaters here. Thanks so much and that lady painting came as a surprise as I just started brushing paint on the canvas without an idea of what it would turn into.
Hi Janet, thanks and yikes only 2 months away! I don't know what to do with the face on the lady yet.
Love them ! so original!
I love your "Lady in Shadow". Looks like one of those 'spiritual guide' type images.
I have to say, your ACEOs are just adorable. I looked at your Etsy shop and your art reminds me of children's storybook art. So magical and fun. Just love it.
Lovely painting! (I think those yellow spots looked nice indeed.)
BTW, tried to post comments here few days ago but in vain (need to repair my computer at home....)
Hii Terri, thanks for the nice words!
Thanks so much katie jane!! I feel the magic and fun when I'm doing my tiny paintings, they are so fun to do!
Hi Fennymun, I hope you got your computer fixed OK. Thanks so much!
Wow, Lynette, your Lady in Shadow looks to be a kindred spirit to my Wanderer.
And your Christmas trees make me long for the holidays.
San I love your painting 'The Wanderer', thank you so much for the wonderful compliment!
I love this one as well as your pics with the moon in them! I just love Christmas and this picture is pure magic to me.
Hi MOI, wow thank you for the very nice words!
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