Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Pink Spring Trees ~ I was in the mood to paint the feeling of spring so all the trees are pink! :) They sort of remind me of cotton candy! The large one on the right is mostly finished but the others still need more work. We had an awful wind and rain storm last night and I thought it was going to blow in the kitchen windows a couple of times, yikes! The wind did pick up my heavy rocking chair, which I had wrapped in plastic, and turned it over and blew it clear across the deck! My cat Puddin' didn't like the sound of the wind whistling and 'wooooing'. She kept looking at the windows with the weirdest look on her face. I think March is coming in like a lion this year!


Andrea and Kim said...

Hi Lynette! This is wonderful. You know I love your trees and the whimsy of the pink ones clearly do remind me of spring! It is cool to see the larger ones, too!

Awe, poor Pudin! There was a lot of wind and rain last night...I hope Pudin is calmer tonight!

Thanks for sharing, Lynette!

Lynette said...

Thanks so much Kim! Yikes I have painted enough pink trees to last me a while LOL! I think I'm going to try something different in my next one. Wasn't that an awful storm the other night!

~Babs said...

You may get tired of pink trees, but we don't!! Love the shading of the green lawn also.

March is a HUGE lion here too,,,,glad you didn't get blown away!

Lynette said...

Thanks Babs, eek pieces of the roof did blow off and it's time for a new roof!