Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Center of the universe through a flower...An extreme close-up of a little flower growing out on the back deck. I'm not even sure what kind it is but it comes up every year in the same clay pot from some seeds I threw in there about 5 years ago. I can see the little colorful blooms from my kitchen window and I've gotten really attached to that little plant that comes up every year.


Dr.John said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Our flowers never seem to come up the next year and our pictures of this years aren't nearly as good.

jafabrit said...

what a shockingly bright and wonderful photo to see when opening your blog. Sometimes I am in awe of the the colours in nature.

Lynette said...

Hello Dr. John and you are so very welcome. I really enjoyed visiting your blog. I think the little flower I have in that pot is perennials that come up every year and it just reseeds itself every year. I always pull the little dried seedhead after it blooms and sprinkle back in the pot.
Hi Alfreda! Yes nature has the most wonderful colors and beauty I'll never get tired of looking and taking pictures of it! Thanx.

Unknown said...

Dufus, thy name is me! I totally posted this comment under the wrong entry, so this is what I said:

~ ~ ~

W. J. St. Christopher said...

Oooh, pretty! So, Lynette, did you shoot that macro or zoom? Whatever, you got in good, close and clear.

Excellently done!

~ ~ ~

Somedays, there's a shortage of oxygen to my brain . . .

JoyceB said...

Stunning - I've always loved macro shots of flowers. My first thought was that it looks a little like an indian blanket flower...

And I totally agree - the Stand is an absorbing book. It's one I've read repeatedly.

Lynette said...

hehe that's OK W.J. I knew you which one you were talking 'bout!
Hey Cathy I'll google the name of the flower that could be it because it gets so hot up on the deck being on the south side of the house. Hi Joyce, yep that was a fantastic book, very chilling, I've read it twice now. Thanks everyone! :)

tlwest said...

Oh how cool is a sunflower! err I mean HOT!

Lynette said...

Thank you Terri. And that reminds me,I love your little sunflower aceo I have it sitting up on top of my computer desk. It cheers me up every day! Cathy YES you are right it is a galardia. I googled and yep thats the flower. Thanks!